Manila Montet FC: Why only 10 signatures when announcing an almost complete squad
Our recent announcement of signing 10 Filipino players for our club yesterday has generated significant buzz within the Filipino football community. Questions have arisen regarding why we only signed 10 players despite declaring that our squad was almost complete. In an effort to provide clarification, we want to confirm that we do, indeed, have more than 10 quality players in our squad.
However, constructing a professional squad from scratch is a complex task. We must carefully consider commitment, professionalism, attitude towards coach team instructions, and overall respect. Our club upholds non-negotiable values, aiming to reward players who demonstrate hard work and a positive mindset. Unfortunately, football quality remains a pivotal factor, and at times, tough decisions must be made. Some players, whom we appreciate as individuals, may have to part ways with us to ensure our competitiveness.
Today, we proudly announce our 11th signature, and we anticipate finalizing our squad with 18 players by the end of the week. Recognizing areas where we can enhance our strength, particularly in the attacking area, the coaching team and Sir Montet have identified the need for new talents. Consequently, we will launch a new hiring campaign, specifically targeting attackers with strong shooting and scoring abilities.
Tomorrow, we will commence introducing some of the players we have signed, starting with the youngest members of our squad.